
Privacy Policy

This document deals with 2die4’s obligations to You under the Australian Privacy Principles about Your personal information that 2die4 may hold from time to time (other than for 2die4’s current and former employees).

What personal information do 2die4 collect about You

2die4 may collect the following personal information about You, including to improve Your shopping experience with 2die4: 

  • Your name, address, telephone number, email address, credit card payment information
  • What goods or services You may have purchased from 2die4
  • The cost of those goods or services

This is some of the information 2die4 collects about You: 

Information You give 2die4 

2die4 receives and stores any information You enter on 2die4’s website or give 2die4 in any other way. You can choose not to provide certain information, but then You might not be able to take advantage of many of 2die4’s features. 2die4 uses the information that You provide for such purposes as responding to Your requests, fulfilling orders, customising future shopping for You, improving 2die4’s store features, and communicating with You. 

Automatic information 

2die4 receives and stores certain types of information whenever You interact with 2die4’s website. For example, like many websites "cookies" are used to obtain certain types of information when Your Web browser accesses 2die4’s website. Cookies are alphanumeric identifier text files that are transferred to Your computer’s hard drive through Your Web browser to enable 2die4’s systems to recognise Your browser and to provide features such as storage of items in Your Shopping Cart between visits. 

E-mail communications

To improve 2die4’s service and Your shopping experience, 2die4 will sometimes send You newsletters with 2die4’s special offers, new products and special events. 2die4 will also email to notify You of changes to 2die4’s policies and for Your order confirmations. If You do not want to receive e-mails from 2die4, other than order notifications and receipts including of Your order confirmations, please let 2die4 know by emailing or, to unsubscribe to the newsletter, follow the link on the bottom of the newsletter. 


How 2die4 collect Your personal information
Normally, 2die4 collects Your personal information only directly from You. 

2die4 may collect personal information about You whenever You have a dealing with 2die4 including if You: 

  • Have contact with 2die4 in person
  • Order any of 2die4’s services
  • Pay the amount You owe 2die4 by credit card
  • Correspond with 2die4 via telephone, facsimile, email or letter
  • Subscribe (electronically or otherwise) to any of 2die4’s publications

2die4 may log how 2die4’s Website is used. This is no different from most businesses. The information 2die4 logs is not linked to You personally in any way (the information is anonymous). Typically it records Your: 

  • Internet Service Provider
  • Date and time of Your visit
  • Pages accessed and the documents downloaded
  • Search items entered


The purpose for which 2die4 collects Your personal information
2die4 may collect Your personal information for the following purposes: 

  • Providing 2die4’s goods and services to You and others
  • Considering whether 2die4 will employ someone
  • Considering whether 2die4 will contract someone to provide goods and services to 2die4
  • Receiving goods and services provided by You or Your employer
  • Telling You about the goods and services 2die4 supplies
  • Sending information to You about 2die4’s business and/or the goods and services 2die4 supplies
  • Advising You of events about 2die4’s business as they happen (market changes, seminars, marketing activities)

If You don’t provide 2die4 with Your information, 2die4 may not be able to fulfil the purpose for which 2die4 collects the information. 


How 2die4 stores Your information
Your personal information may be stored by 2die4 either in hard copy documents or as electronic data in 2die4’s information technology systems. 

2die4 might store Your information in the following ways: 

  • In 2die4’s physical document and record management system
  • On servers under 2die4’s physical control
  • On servers under the physical control of other parties
  • In the cloud
  • Web browser storage
  • Cookies
  • Transportable electronic mediums, including an external drive or a USB

Your information is otherwise stored in a secure database, except credit information which is sent straight to 2die4’s administrative computer via a process called Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption technology. 

2die4 uses industry-standard 128-bit encryption. SSL locks all critical information passed from You to 2die4, such as payment information, in an encrypted envelope, making it extremely difficult for this information to be intercepted. Credit card details are not permanently stored on 2die4’s website. 2die4 uses 1024-bit encryption for temporary storage. 

Credit card information is only accessed and processed by a member of 2die4’s customer service team when required to debit Your credit card when processing Your order. 


Your obligation when You provide 2die4 with third-party information
If You or Your organisation is subject to privacy law and You provide personal information to 2die4 about someone, You promise 2die4 that: 

  • You are entitled to disclose that information to 2die4
  • 2die4 may collect, use and disclose that information for the purposes described in this document


How 2die4 uses or discloses Your personal information
2die4 only uses and/or discloses Your personal information for the purpose for which 2die4 collects it. 

2die4 may also use and/or disclose personal information for purposes such as: 

  • invoicing
  • reminder notices
  • provision of information about market developments
  • Invitations to seminars and other events
  • 2die4’s own market research
  • improving 2die4’s service and communications
  • advising You about other services 2die4 offers
  • giving it to suppliers of services to 2die4’s business in order that 2die4 can provide 2die4’s services to You
  • giving it to suppliers of services to 2die4’s business in order that they can provide services to 2die4

2die4 will not disclose personal information collected by 2die4 to third parties for the purpose of allowing them to directly market any products and services to You. 


How 2die4 protect and keep secure Your personal information
2die4 respects Your privacy and appreciates Your business. 

Only specific employees or sub-contractors in 2die4’s customer care, marketing, store, warehouse systems and IT areas have access to Your personal information, and only under strict controls and procedures. 

Obviously, 2die4 may need to share Your name and address and at times phone number with 2die4’s freight carrier to ensure reliable and efficient delivery of Your orders. 

If required, 2die4 will also share this information with organisations that carry out credit, fraud, and other security checks. 

At no other time does 2die4 ever provide Your contact details or payment information to any other third-party vendor, associate, or service provider. 

2die4 takes reasonable steps to protect from misuse and loss Your personal information that 2die4 holds. 

2die4 seeks to protect the information from unauthorised access, modification, and disclosure. 

2die4 maintains a computer and network security system. 

2die4 uses firewalls and other security systems in 2die4’s electronic communications systems, such as user identifiers and passwords to control access to 2die4’s computer network. 

2die4 maintains a high level of physical security over 2die4’s hard copy and electronic data stores and premises, such as locks, alarms, and barrier systems. 

2die4’s staff are made aware of their confidentiality obligations and their limited access rights as they apply to them in respect of Your information. 

Staff normally only have access to information on a need-to-know basis. 


Is any personal information disclosed overseas?
2die4 discloses personal information overseas in the Philippines and India for the administrative purposes of 2die4. 


Gaining access to information 2die4 hold about You
2die4 will give You access to Your personal information except if the Privacy Act does not require 2die4 to or where 2die4 has a legal duty of confidentiality or non-disclosure. 

The information will be supplied within a reasonable time from the date of Your request. 

2die4 reserves the right to recover reasonable costs from You in giving You the access. 

If 2die4 refuses You access to any information, 2die4 will give You an explanation. 


Maintaining currency of Your personal information
2die4 ensures that all reasonable procedures are followed so that Your personal information is accurate, complete and up to date whenever 2die4 collects or uses it. 

If any of the personal information held by 2die4 about You is inaccurate, incomplete, or out of date, please contact 2die4 immediately and 2die4 will take all reasonable steps to update it. 


Contacting 2die4 including making a complaint
If You: 

  • want to access Your personal information
  • want to lodge a complaint about any breach by 2die4 of Your privacy
  • have a question about how Your personal information is collected, used or disclosed by 2die4
  • have a question about anything relating to 2die4’s Privacy Policy,

please contact 2die4 on 


If You make a complaint
If You make a complaint to 2die4 about 2die4’s management of Your personal information, 2die4 will: 

  • review the complaint
  • seek to contact You and discuss Your complaint with You
  • notify You about the outcome of 2die4’s review of Your complaint and the action 2die4 will take
  • implement any outcome arising from the complaint

If You are not satisfied with the outcome of Your complaint, You can seek a review by contacting the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.



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