Our passion to provide certified organic activated products extends to our support of the recipients for two fantastic local community organizations.
Liberation Larder
Liberation Larder Inc. is a not for profit organisation providing food for those in need from grown, rescued and donated produce. In the beginning a Buddhist nun, The Venerable Honu Dawson came to Byron Bay & recognized there were many people here struggling to make ends meet. She could see a generous spirit in our community & many people prepared to lend a hand. Honu recognized people needed food & that huge amounts of good food from our homes, farms & businesses was ending up in landfill.
Liberation Larder now serves over 23,000 meals per year and delivers over 1200 Home Delivered Food Boxes. You too can support Byron Bay's Liberation Larder by donating here - http://www.liberationlarder.org/donate/
Meals on Wheels
Meals on Wheels NSW is synonymous with community engagement and care. The name represents helping hands, teamwork and looking out for each other.
"Good nutrition is critical in supporting older adults living in their own homes."
While age and disability may reduce some people’s capacity to get out and about, our volunteers help make that possible for them to stay home and maintain their independence. By delivering nutritious meals, social interaction and a friendly check of a client’s well being, we help people live the lives they choose. See the various ways to donate to Meals on Wheels here https://nswmealsonwheels.org.au/Donate.aspx